Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (EPA), High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters (HEPA)
and Ultra Low Penetration Air Filters (ULPA) classified and tested according to EN
1822 standards. These filters are used in many industries including, pharmaceutical
manufacturing, Bio-Tech,Electronics, Aerospace, Hospitals, and more.
There are independent tests for EPA / HEPA / ULPA class filter and filter media
according to EN 1822.
1. Efficiency test of the filter fiber: An efficiency test performed by the filter
material manufacturers at the nominal speed and MPPS.
2. Filter leak test: It is the test done at MPPS by using particle counters. An alternative
to this test is the oil smoke leakage test for H13 and H14 class filters.
3. Filter efficiency test at MPPS: A method of measurement by scanning the
filter surface under test conditions. Efficiency is measured with the particle
counters used in this test.
MPPS: Most Penetrating Particle Size